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Avenged Sevenfold – Welcome To The Family

avenged sevenfold

"Welcome to the Family" is a song by the American rock band Avenged Sevenfold, released as the second single for their fifth studio album, Nightmare. It is the band's second single released without former drummer The Rev, who died on December 28, 2009. In the news Theprp.com mention the second single from the album Nightmare is "Welcome to the Family", scheduled to be played on the radio starting on October 19, 2010. In Avenged Sevenfold's "making of" series on YouTube, In the Studio, singer M. Shadows and bassist Johnny Christ say that The Rev wrote most of the song and M. Shadows finished it when they started to record the album. No plans for a music video have been made so far. The song is playable as DLC in the video game Rock Band 3.

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